Polygiene Technology Sustainable Gear for a Greener Future

wear more. wash less.


Polygiene’s aim is to bring about a world where we wash half as often, and where products last more than twice the time they do today.

There are enormous positive environmental gains to be achieved from this.

For instance, just skipping one out of ten washes shows a reduction in total toxicity and large improvements on CO2, microplastics and water use.



Polygiene StayFresh™ is a 24/7 working odour-control textile technology that inhibits the growth of odour-causing bacteria that typically cause that unpleasant ‘sweat smell .’ The solution is based on silver chloride, which occurs naturally in water and soil. Silver ions in the salt prevent bacteria from multiplying and thus also prevent bad odors directly at the source.

As Polygiene StayFresh™ is integrated into products at the manufacturing stage, it is only active in the material itself. This ensures it is entirely safe for use in clothing and does not interfere with natural bacteria on the skin.

The result is textiles that feel fresh and require less washing. By washing items less frequently, customers save water and energy, reduce their environmental footprint and benefit from more durable, longer-lasting products.

Polygiene StayFresh™ isn’t on stuff. Polygiene is IN stuff. So it remains effective for the useful lifetime of the garment.